Intercultural Counseling - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

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Living and Studying in Germany

Intercultural workshop for students of M.Sc. Epidemiology

27.10.2015 at 09:00 

WHAT: Intercultural workshop for students of M.Sc. Epidemiology in cooperation with M.Sc. Epidemiology

WHEN: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Workshop 1); 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Workshop 2)

WHERE: IBE library, Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (IBE); Klinikum Großhadern (Marchioninistr. 15)

FOR WHOM: Students of M.Sc. Epidemiology at LMU

FEES: none


REGISTRATION: The registration for the workshop will be conducted by the secretary of M.Sc. Epidemiology.

TRAINER: Isabel Reible


Studying in a country different than one's own always means a change to a new cultural environment. Many of the familiar things one has been accustomed to are missing: questions like "How should I address my professor?", "What is the proper conduct in an office hour?", or "How do I make friends with German students?" are just a few examples of the many issues international students face. The workshop will deal with the intricacies of German university culture like teaching and learning styles, interaction with professors and fellow students. It will also inform about the basic features of German everyday life.

Furthermore we will talk about culture shock: the relocation to a new international environment is usually marked with excitement and euphoria in the first weeks, but then confusion and anxiety may occur. The concept of culture shock is very useful for understanding what is happening around and within oneself when living and studying in a foreign setting. We will also discuss ways to help participants to anticipate and detect misunderstandings in their interactions with Germans.

As students share their studies with colleagues of many different nationalities we will also discuss about the chances and challenges of studying and working in multicultural teams.

The workshop will be interactive, allowing participants to practice their newly acquired cultural knowledge and skills. Practical exercises will intensify the transfer of intercultural knowledge.

The workshop will be in English.

In case of any question, please get in contact with the Intercultural Counseling Office of LMU or the secretary of M.Sc. Epidemiology


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